Traveling in the airplane has been a phone-free zone for a lot of years. We have to turn off our electronic devices and rely instead on movies and in-flight magazines for fun. But times have changed. Airplanes have tried to make flying a little more enjoyable by offering us in-flight wireless internet, but have you ever wondered how exactly does Wi-Fi work when you are on an airplane? When Wi-Fi first became a thing in the airplane in the early to mid-2000s, it usually worked by transmitting an internet connection to a transponder attached to the plane using satellites, similar to how folks in rural areas without cable DSL or fiber infrastructure use satellite dishes to get online. Even in the present days, those old systems are still in use. There is a system named air-to-ground transmission or also called as ATG. These are similar to cell phone towers. These have the benefit of being a cheaper than satellite internet, but they work over land, and there are few disadvant...