How to Create a Password that's easy to remember but hard to Hack. --NewModernTechMedia.!
A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity. It protects document. You can prevent unauthorized access with the help of it. Almost every services need to set up a separate username and password. If you have to work on computer then you have to manage as many as 1000 or more passwords. Researchers estimate that half of us use weak passwords and other half re-use fewer passwords across all over online accounts. simple, unsafe and easy-to-remember passwords are easy to break. When we re-use the same password, cyber criminals harvest it from services that have been breached and then use automated tools to decide what other services this passwords will unlock. For this reason, it is essential to use a separate, unique and strong password for each different online account. Then you need a safe way to record and access these passwords or you have to make a trick to remember these passwords. Otherwise you...